Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Art Workshop at Malaysian Care 12.12.2011

 A short art workshop was held recently at the Malaysian Care training centre in
 Bandar Tasik Selatan,
Participants trying out their skill in painting on ceramic bowl.

Works mainly focused on repetition of motifs and the use of colours.
 Youth learned skill of handling and controlling the brush when painting on small space.
 Simple instructions and guidelines were given during the painting process.

 Youth learned to paint and study about spacing to create their work.

 The first session of participants during the painting process. All of them were having a great time painting their own bowl for Christmas.
 Learning new skill in art helps them to express their joy through their craft work.
 Tutti Art Club hopes to work closely to provide training and support to this group of youths in the future. 

Monday, 5 December 2011

Esabelle- a new guest in Tutti Art Club. A creative and imaginative mind.

Esabelle is 8 years old this year.
She joined Tutti Art Club 8 weeks ago.
Art is a fun lesson for her to explore her creative and imaginative mind.
She enjoys coming to class every week and loves to paint on canvas.
Esabelle has a free flow of ideas of what she likes to create
 during her art lesson and it helped her to visualize her imagination on canvas.
A two way flow of communication makes teaching and learning more
interesting for her. Sometimes she also acted out the expression of how she wants her
characters in her art. Her paintings are mostly on little girls, furry animals and sea creatures.
Her choice of colours are usually very "eye candy".
Sweet and Soft like her.

Jason Liew. A new member in Tutti Art Club. What was impossible before is possible NOW!

Jason started painting two months ago. He enjoys his lessons and has been progressing very well in his art class. It is never too late for him to learn how to paint. All he needs is the courage to go beyond what he thought was "impossible". Everyone should be given a chance to experience Art in their own way. He has uncovered his hidden potentials after 27 years. What was "impossible" before is "possible" Now.